Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Language Arts is a new component designed to create appreciation and enjoyment amongst pupils as they learn language in the new Malaysian English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools
 ( KSSR ). The rationale behind language arts is to steer the continuous growth and development of pupil’s thinking and language abilities. The standards for language arts cover arrange of creative and literary works in English; including rhymes, songs, poems, stories, and plays to activate pupil’s imagination and interest. This component will allow pupils to benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as well as non-fictional sources. Through fun-filled and meaningful activities, pupils will gain a rich and invaluable experience using the English language.
Pupils will enjoy to plays with language where rhymes and sons are constantly utilised. Here, the teacher is the model for pupils. Pupils develop their oral skills through listening to nursery rhymes, action songs and jazz chants, using and interpreting nonverbal actions to demonstrate understanding. In this stage, pupils will produce simple creative works based on the nursery rhymes, action songs, jazz chants and the fairy tales learnt with teacher guidance. Here are some examples of Language Arts activities that can be carried out by teacher:
1.   Nursery Rhymes using non-verbal gestures.
There are two ways approach of doing the nursery rhymes using non-verbal gestures. That is the rhythmic method and meaning in context. Nonverbal gestures can be created by teacher or pupils. Here are some suggestions of nonverbal gestures that can be used with any nursery rhyme: clap hands, pat palm, stamp feet, tap feet, slap thighs, wave hands, bow head, bow, curtsey,  hop, sway body, jump, turn around, snap fingers or shake hands in the air.
Click here to view example of non-verbal gesture.

2.   Making figurines puppets.
      Teacher can guide pupils to make figurines puppets of the character in the nursery rhymes/ action songs/ fables . Here are the steps:

step 1: Pupils are provided with mnila cards, markers, a pair of scissors, colours/ cryons, satay sticks to sticks the figurines, glue/ tape, pictures of the figurines. 

Steps 2: Colours the figurines.
Steps 3: Cut out the figurine
using a pairs of scissors.

Steps 4: Paste the satay stick at the
 back of the figurine. 

The figurines is done.
3. Arts and crafts.
   Teachers may want to encourage pupils to be creative as they can use whatever means to present their understanding of the text learnt by using arts and crafts activities. Through arts and craft pupils will also learn about the values of cooperating with people of different race, gender, ability, culture heritage, religion, economic, sosial background, and to understand and appreciate their values, beliefs and attitudes. Each of them will also develpoe knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will enchance personal life management and promote positive attitudes.   

Language Arts creates ample opportunities for pupils to speak in English in a very relaxed atmosphere. Due to fun elements of language arts, it is hoped pupil's presentations or dialougues spoken helps to increase pupil's confidence in using the English language. Teachers are encouraged to use their own creative ideas to conduct lessons in the classroom.

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